速報APP / 教育 / Chinese Character Hero - HSK 5

Chinese Character Hero - HSK 5





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:535 Drive-in Rd. Napanee, On K7R 3L1 Canada

Chinese Character Hero - HSK 5(圖1)-速報App

Learn Chinese in a fun and interactive way!

Chinese Character Hero - HSK 5(圖2)-速報App

The Hero Method allows you to quickly master Chinese characters by enforcing a recall and recognition process, essential for long-term memory.

Chinese Character Hero - HSK 5(圖3)-速報App

Hero HSK 5 covers 1300 words in the Chinese language, which are based on the Chinese level 5 proficiency exam (HSK 5). Audio for all words is available at the tap of a button.

Chinese Character Hero - HSK 5(圖4)-速報App

This app supports both simplified (mainland China) and traditional (Hong Kong, Taiwan) Chinese characters.

Chinese Character Hero - HSK 5(圖5)-速報App


Chinese Character Hero - HSK 5(圖6)-速報App

Please contact Mike at handtechnics@gmail.com if you have any questions or comments. Have fun learning!

Chinese Character Hero - HSK 5(圖7)-速報App